Helping to Drive Growth with the McGee & Co. Catalog

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McGee & Co.

McGee & Co. is a growing design studio and online retailer based in Salt Lake City.  We first engaged with them after their second print catalog event. Their stated goals when we first engaged was to improve their overall strategy but also specifically dealt with pre-production planning and workflow, schedule, quality, and over processes as it pertained to the print and distribution side of their business. In the three years we have worked together, we have been able to create a consistently high-quality catalog, on budget and on time! 

With these improvements as well as many others internally, they have also doubled their growth, improved their bottom line, moved to a larger space, and then encountered unusual COVID related blessings such as the launch of a Netflix Series and an NYT Best Seller, Make Life Beautiful.  We look forward to further improvements, growth, and further success together in the coming years.

Let’s discuss how we can help you improve the process, budget, schedule, and solutions for your catalog!

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