Book Production… Simplifying the Process



Print + Solutions has over 30 years of experience working with a wide range of book projects with various papers, materials and types of manufacturing processes. Whether the book is short run, long run or casebound, we have the resources to produce your book with the right fit for the best quality. We will take the time and give your book project the attention it needs once we understand your desired scope, spec, budget and timeline. Whether you need 50 books, hundreds of them or thousands, we have done it before and have the right fit and solution to be efficient and to offer the best quality possible. If your project doesn't fit our strengths and sweet spot, we will refer you to the best source to help make it happen for you.


Our Book Publishing Services include:

  • Prototypes & Planning

  • Layout, Design, Production

  • Educational Textbooks and Teacher’s Editions

  • Novels 

  • Coffee Table Books

  • Casebound Books

  • Short Run Digital books

  • Product Manuals

  • Cookbooks

  • Art Books 

  • Coloring Books

  • Maps and Guides

  • Tabbed Spiral Bound Books

  • Digital FlipBooks

  • Distribution Related Services (print and digital)

  • Pick, Pack, and Ship Solutions


Print + Solutions: Book and educational printing services


Print + Solutions can best help when we get involved in the earliest stages of the process to identify challenges and to allow us the ability to recommend solutions that will streamline the pre-production, creation and distribution of your project. This allows us to best improve quality and assures that ideal solutions and materials are used to secure optimal outcomes for each project we touch.

Print + Solutions: Book and educational printing services


We will take your content and transform it into a great looking printed book or digital edition and utilize the best delivery solution to meet your needs.

Print + Solutions: Book and educational printing services


Need eyes on the ground to make sure your book project is produced to your standards and expectations? That is our job! Count on us to work closely with your team to handle the pre-production planning, project management, approvals and post production details, on-time and within the proposed budget.

Print + Solutions: Book and educational printing services


Our local and nationwide delivery solutions for books always assure the most efficient distribution and delivery of your book project. Working together, we can improve your quality, workflow, on-time shipping and delivery for every book we produce.

"Having spent years in advertising and marketing, I know my way around when it comes to photography and CMYK. Having said that, I would've been lost in the publishing world if I didn't have Steve on my side as a consultant. His guidance was instrumental in getting me started and to the finish line with my book publishing launch. Publishing companies have entire departments devoted to doing what Steve does, and they still can't hold a candle to the quality, service and manufacturing expertise he delivers."

~ Matt Janzen, State of Craft Beer

Clients + Case Studies


Print + Solutions: Book and educational printing services
Print + Solutions: Book and educational printing services

Let’s Connect!

  1. Please fill out our contact form to tell us about your project.

  2. We'll connect to discuss your needs in relation to our service offerings.

  3. You’ll receive a proposal from us in days. 

  4. Give us the go-ahead and we will get started!